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  1. C++ Parallel Library
  2. Parallels Software Download
  • Parallel The type of parallel operation to be used (if any). If missing, the default is taken from the option 'boot.parallel' (and if that is not set, 'no'). Ncpus integer: number of processes to be used in parallel operation: typically one would choose this to be the number of available CPUs.
  • Single thread (which is the master thread for that parallel construct), with serial order of execution for the statements within the structured block (the same order as if the block were not part of a parallel construct), and with no effect on the value returned by ompinparallel(apart from the effects of any nested parallel constructs).
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In an async method, tasks are started when they’re created. The await operator is applied to the task at the point in the method where processing can’t continue until the task finishes. Often a task is awaited as soon as it’s created, as the following example shows.

However, you can separate creating the task from awaiting the task if your program has other work to accomplish that doesn’t depend on the completion of the task.

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Between starting a task and awaiting it, you can start other tasks. The additional tasks implicitly run in parallel, but no additional threads are created.

C++ Parallel Library

The following program starts three asynchronous web downloads and then awaits them in the order in which they’re called. Notice, when you run the program, that the tasks don’t always finish in the order in which they’re created and awaited. They start to run when they’re created, and one or more of the tasks might finish before the method reaches the await expressions.


To complete this project, you must have Visual Studio 2012 or higher and the .NET Framework 4.5 or higher installed on your computer.

For another example that starts multiple tasks at the same time, see How to: Extend the async Walkthrough by Using Task.WhenAll (C#).

You can download the code for this example from Developer Code Samples.

To set up the project

Parallels Software Download

  1. To set up a WPF application, complete the following steps. You can find detailed instructions for these steps in Walkthrough: Accessing the Web by Using async and await (C#).

    • Create a WPF application that contains a text box and a button. Name the button startButton, and name the text box resultsTextBox.

    • Add a reference for System.Net.Http.

    • In the MainWindow.xaml.cs file, add a using directive for System.Net.Http.

To add the code

  1. In the design window, MainWindow.xaml, double-click the button to create the startButton_Click event handler in MainWindow.xaml.cs.

  2. Copy the following code, and paste it into the body of startButton_Click in MainWindow.xaml.cs.

    The code calls an asynchronous method, CreateMultipleTasksAsync, which drives the application.

  3. Patch no cd monster garage bronco. Add the following support methods to the project:

    • ProcessURLAsync uses an HttpClient method to download the contents of a website as a byte array. The support method, ProcessURLAsync then displays and returns the length of the array.

    • DisplayResults displays the number of bytes in the byte array for each URL. This display shows when each task has finished downloading.

    Copy the following methods, and paste them after the startButton_Click event handler in MainWindow.xaml.cs.

  4. Finally, define method CreateMultipleTasksAsync, which performs the following steps.

    • The method declares an HttpClient object,which you need to access method GetByteArrayAsync in ProcessURLAsync.

    • The method creates and starts three tasks of type Task<TResult>, where TResult is an integer. As each task finishes, DisplayResults displays the task's URL and the length of the downloaded contents. Because the tasks are running asynchronously, the order in which the results appear might differ from the order in which they were declared.

    • The method awaits the completion of each task. Each await operator suspends execution of CreateMultipleTasksAsync until the awaited task is finished. The operator also retrieves the return value from the call to ProcessURLAsync from each completed task.

    • When the tasks have been completed and the integer values have been retrieved, the method sums the lengths of the websites and displays the result.

    Copy the following method, and paste it into your solution.

  5. Choose the F5 key to run the program, and then choose the Start button.

    Run the program several times to verify that the three tasks don’t always finish in the same order and that the order in which they finish isn't necessarily the order in which they’re created and awaited.

Parallel Fx Library Download


The following code contains the full example.

See also

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